How Do I Get Low-Cost Therapy?

How Do I Get Mental Health Care?

Are you thinking about therapy? The first thing that often comes to mind is how much a session will put a massive dent in your budget because it likely will. Furthermore, sadly, you are not alone.

How Much Does Therapy Cost?
How Much Does Therapy Cost?

Many people still think that therapy is only a luxury for those who can afford it, and it is no surprise, considering that therapy can cost anywhere between $100 to $200 per session if you are paying out of pocket. The great thing about it is that therapy comes in all shapes and sizes. This means there is a package for therapy sessions that can meet your needs if you know where and how to look.

Read on to know how you can get affordable and even free therapy wherever you are in the country.

Tips for Affordable Therapy

Negotiate Fees

It is totally possible to be open about what you can afford. Many mental health therapists offer financing plans that allow you to book regular sessions using a payment plan that you can afford. Also known as a sliding-scale payment plan, this system allows clients to pay based on their needs and financial circumstances. The first step is to look for therapists who offer these specific payment options. 

Many private practice therapists offer several slots for this payment system. If you are clear about what you need and what you can afford, you might be lucky enough to find a therapist who can give you a slot. It is also essential to work with a therapist who can provide quality care. This means that you should not settle for the first therapist who can offer the lowest rates. Be willing to do your homework in searching for a therapist who can provide quality care at rates you can afford.

Be Flexible

You can get therapy for a reduced cost by being flexible with your therapist or being open to various therapy settings. For example, your therapist can easily fit you in for a sliding-scale payment slot if you are willing to enter into a mutually-beneficial arrangement. For example, you can agree to a therapy schedule during off-peak hours or during the weekdays. You can also agree to get your therapy from therapists who are just starting their practice or even therapy trainees building their experience. You can also agree to take fill-in appointments so you can come in if another client reschedules.

Check With Your Insurance

Your insurance may cover therapy for specific disorders. All you need to do is examine your policy and look for the specific coverage that you need. Many customers miss out on helpful therapy coverage when they overlook their primary insurance coverage to find out that their insurance already covers their therapy costs partially or in whole.

Apply for Disability Benefits

A professional diagnosis of chronic or severe mental illness that makes it impossible for you to work may make you eligible for disability benefits. Medicare offers mental health coverage even for those younger than 65 years old. You can work with a Social Security claims representative in preparing your application. Another option is to get an attorney who makes disability claims to help you with your application. 

If you have been working with a therapist in the past, he or she can help you apply for disability by providing a solid diagnosis of your disorder. As well as information on your previous treatments. You can get more information on how to seek the help of your therapist and a

lawyer on

Look at Local Community Services and National Hotlines

Your community center may offer low cost mental health sessions for a lower fee compare to private therapy sessions with a private practitioner. Check your town council for any mental health programs offered locally. Another option is to look at hotlines run by national mental health groups. These can be accessed for individual therapy over the phone. Some programs offer scheduled sessions for a lower cost than in-person sessions at your therapist’s office.

Talk to Your Employer

You can also reach out to your HR to ask about work-based therapy for employees. This can be especially helpful if your condition is affected by your experiences at the office. Your worker’s insurance can cover Work-based therapy sessions. Check your company handbook to know what kind of employee assistance programs offer coverage for therapy. Assistance programs may offer a fixed number of sessions paid for by your employer and discounted out-of-pocket rates for continuing mental care. Talk to your HR to know what your options are.

How to Get Therapy, for Free!

Look for Pro-Bono Therapy Programs

If you live near a college or university, you may find programs that offer pro-bono services done by therapists in training. Get in touch with these programs so you can be included in the list. This is one of the ways you can expect to get regular therapy at a low cost. 

Furthermore, do not let the fact that graduate students do this turn you off from programs like these. In-training counselors and therapists get supervised by trained instructors, so you know that your sessions will stay professional. 

You may even get better care because therapists-in-training have more time to dedicate themselves to your case. Another good thing to come out of joining pro-bono programs is that you can improve these programs for the benefit of people suffering from mental and emotional disorders.

Reach Out to Your School Counselor

If you are a student, your college or university may even have programs giving free therapy sessions to students at no cost. Most schools have a school psychologist that can offer free sessions and even referrals for therapists once you graduate. Check your student handbook for psychological and emotional support programs on campus. You may need to pay after a few free sessions in some cases, but these treatments could also be offered under sliding scale payment fees.

Look at Free Mental Health Programs Offered by Local Churches

There may be local churches in your area offering counseling and therapy sessions for free. These could take the form of group or individual sessions. Most churches offer services as part of their charity work, so this is an excellent avenue to find therapy or counseling when you cannot afford it.


Organizations like the National Alliances on Mental Illness offer free telephone assistance for callers 24/7. You can call anytime and engage in conversation with a trained volunteer therapist. Hotlines are helpful, especially for emergencies. They can also provide you with legitimate leads for affordable therapists in your area.

Free Online Therapy

Various organizations offer online therapy through Skype, Zoom, or other means like instant messaging. Like phone hotlines, these portals are available 24/7 and are accessible by anyone from any place in the world. Talk to a volunteer counselor or schedule cheap therapy sessions for a minimal fee. 

Seek out the websites of various organizations that offer mental health support, and you will likely find an online access portal for free counseling and therapy. The good thing about online therapy is that you can choose among several therapy programs to pick one that focuses on your specific condition. You can also stick to one program regardless of where you are in the world.

Join a Support Group

If you cannot find programs that offer one-on-one sessions at no cost in your area, support groups are the next best alternative. Websites like offer a directory of support groups based on location and type of group. While support groups are no substitute for customized professional treatment, joining a support group can help tide you over as you continue searching for a therapy program you can afford. These groups may also be good sources for referrals for therapists willing to work with you at the cost you can afford.

Cost should never be a factor preventing you from seeking mental health therapy. You have so many options to choose from, whether you are looking for an affordable service or you need something free. You can find the right therapist who will treat you according to how much you can afford. Do not be afraid to talk about the cost because there is always a professional who can offer you quality therapy services according to what you can afford. Tap social services and community resources.

Your status as a student, a veteran, or an employee can also make you eligible for unique benefits, so look into these options as well. Moreover, do not forget hotlines that offer therapy for free. All these can help you create a network of therapy options to meet your needs, whether you have the money to pay or not.

Many people find themselves out of pocket, but… if you can get therapy for free, why not try it with an open mind and see if it helps you with your difficulties? In this day and age, there is more acceptance that mental health struggles can be debilitating and that you can get the mental help and emotional support you need. 

Mental health problems exist in society as such as any other common illness. Even celebrities like Megan Markle talk about their struggles and how difficult it is to admit that you are struggling and to get help. Know your options and be open to resources that are available to you. 

It may take to a few tries to find the perfect therapy program that meets all your needs. Fortunately, you can take advantage of low-cost and even free therapy options until that time comes.

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