4 Major Signs That You Are Not Taking Care of Yourself

Self-care is all about taking care of yourself, both physically and mentally. It means making time for activities that promote well-being, such as exercising, eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and engaging in self-soothing activities. Unfortunately, many of us neglect self-care in our daily lives, and it can have negative consequences for our health. Neglecting self-care…

The Ultimate Guide to Managing Therapy Waiting Times in the UK

The Ultimate Guide to Managing Therapy Waiting Times in the UK

If you’ve ever needed therapy in the UK, you’re likely aware of the long waiting times that come with it. Whether you’re waiting for NHS therapy or seeking private treatment, waiting lists can be frustrating and can worsen your mental health. But don’t worry – this guide will help you manage the wait and find…

What Does it Mean to Love Yourself?

What Does it Mean to Love Yourself?

All advice on self-development, happiness, confidence, and success has one aspect at the core of it all; love yourself. Yet, most people do not grasp what it means and what self-love entails. Unfortunately, self-love is often mistaken for selfishness, narcissism, or self-conceit, which gives it a negative perception. However, in every aspect of your life,…